A presentation was made to local singer Nóra Butler at her tribute concert at Nenagh Arts Centre last Sunday night,the opening night of Fleadh Cheoil na Mumhan. Photograph: Bridget Delaney

Fleadh cheoil na mumhan underway in nenagh

The enjoyable festivities of the 2015 Fleadh Cheoil na Mumhan are continuing. Tonight, Wednesday July 15th, the official opening will take place at the Abbey Court Hotel followed by a singing session with Nóra Butler.

On Thursday, in The Kenyon, a Sean Nós workshop will take place from 7pm with Emma O'Sullivan (Adm €10).

On Friday, a céilí with the Kilfenora Céilí Band, sponsored by Carey Glass International, will take place in the Scouts Hall at 9pm (Adm €15 - supper included). 

Also on Friday, street entertainment and music on the gig rig will take place.  On Saturday, evening Sean Nós dancing competions begin in the Abbey Court starting at 5.30pm.  Also on Saturday, from 3pm to 6pm, trad street entertainment competition (with prizes) will take place. There will be a Céilí set in the Abbey Court from 9pm with Tim Joe and Anne. 

On Sunday there will be an outdoor céilí seit with Ger Murphy and Ken Cotter at the gig rig area between 3pm and 6pm. 

Visit the Munster Fleadh website for further details, and see this week's Nenagh Guardian for details of the 'Session Trail', live music around Nenagh's pubs on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.