Dolla lecture on the burning of Kilboy House

‘Nothing Personal: the Burning of Kilboy House, August 1922’ is the title of a historical talk at The Eagles' Nest, Dolla, this Thursday, February 22nd, at 8pm.

The events of 1921/1922 in North Tipperary, which culminated in the burning of Kilboy House, home of the Dunalley family, will be recalled at the talk by Nenagh historian John Flannery.

The talk is hosted by Silvermines Historical Society and will examine the lead up to the happenings of that August night, the burning of the house itself and its impact afterwards in the neighbourhood.

The talk is open to all and should be of interest to anyone wishing to learn more of that turbulent period, when the fledgling Irish state had plunged headlong into a bitter Civil War which still defines the political scene today.