Men's shed for Newport area

All are welcome to Newport Community Centre this Thursday night for a meeting to set up a Men's Shed for the local area.

The ideal of a Men’s Shed is to provide a friendly place of welcome, for men to gather together cordially. These men can involve themselves in a variety of mutually agreed activities, sharing interests and hobbies, honing old skills and learning new ones.


The men have ownership of the shed, and have a say in all the activities that are undertaken. This is a place of mutual respect cooperation, and equality. The men’s aim is to work towards one another’s wellbeing and the general good of society.


'Mulcair Men's Shed' is to provide an inexpensive, friendly social outlet for all the men of the area, not just Newport town but to Ballinahinch, Cappamore, Murroe and elsewhere in the hinterland.


Nowadays, with the high speed pace of life, most men say: “I don’t have time to talk.” Isn’t this very sad? Men being so busy they deny their own happiness and peace of mind.


They should not be alone with their problems; after all it is well known that a problem shared is a problem halved. Loneliness is the biggest tragedy of our time.


It is so easy to be alone even in a crowd. Many a man is alone in his own home. He can find it very hard to talk even with his own family, maybe because of gender, age compatibility, or possibly he may be afraid he will be showing weakness when he should be strong.


If you would like to join us in this wonderful adventure, contact Please come to our explanatory meeting at 8pm this Thursday, June 16th, in the Newport, Community Hall. Members of Roscrea Men's Shed and Tipperary Education & Training Board are to also attend.


If you would like to help with setting up Mulcair Men's Shed, you can also contact, phone Conrad at (061) 378322 or Christy, 087-9949991.