The ‘Whipped Into Shape’ scene, for which Nenagh Choral Society received an AIMS award nomination.

Three AIMS nominations for NCS

As the curtain comes down on another season of musical theatre, Nenagh Choral Society can look back with pride on two wonderful productions: Legally Blonde and Beauty and the Beast.

Both shows attracted huge crowds and local review was immensely positive. In fact, audiences attending Beauty and the Beast were the highest in living memory.

Both shows received glowing reports in the ‘Association Of Irish Musical Societies’ (AIMS) adjudication system and the standards of music, production and choreography continues to reach new heights. Added to the fact that the Scouts Hall continues to be developed and enhanced, Nenagh Choral Society is moving from strength to strength.

With each show costing approximately €50,000, putting on two shows annually is a massive undertaking. It would not be possible without the financial support of our patrons and sponsors, whose generosity is most appreciated. The society is also indebted to Tipperary County Council for their grants and to everyone who supports our various fundraisers, including the Wednesday night Bingo.

This year, AIMS has acknowledged the work of the society with three nominations for the prestigious AIMS awards. Legally Blonde, the production of our Youth Academy, has been nominated for Best Choreography and also for Best Ensemble for the ‘Whipped Into Shape’ scene.

This show was directed and choreographed by Stephanie Browne. Stephanie has brought a new dimension to our musicals with her inventive and imaginative dance routines. Her teenage cast rose to her expectations and what followed was a thoroughly wonderful production. The scene from the introduction to Act 2 caught the adjudicator’s eye in a special way.

‘Whipped Into Shape’ was a combination of recurring mini scenes, alternating between dialogue and dance. The cast were exceptional on stage and followed meticulously Stephanie’s direction and choreographed routines.

Since its inception ten years ago, the Youth Academy has been hugely popular with teenagers in North Tipperary and surrounding areas.

For the adult section, our PRO Máire Long, ably assisted by her sister Áine, has been nominated for Best Programme for Beauty and the Beast. This programme was of the highest quality, with the perfect

blend of biographies, information and photographs, all on a background of red and black to keep with the theme of the show. The programme gave a history of previous productions as well as previous nominations and awards. Included also for the audience was an outline of the musical and the list of songs in it.

Máire continues to set very high standards and her nomination is just reward for the amount of time and effort she put into her work as PRO.

Winners will be announced at the AIMS Banquet in Killarney on Saturday, June 16, and while hopes are high for even better things to come, Nenagh Choral Society is very proud of its achievements to date. The society is back by a very hardworking committee and Scouts Hall Directors, who are heavily committed to musical theatre in Nenagh.


With a new season just weeks away, Nenagh Choral Society wants to remind its members of it AGM to be held on Tuesday, May 28, at 8pm in the Scouts Hall.