The goldfinch is one of our most colourful birds. Once the dandelions bloom, the finches begin building. The song is often compared to the jingling of bells. Photo: Eamon Brennan

Dawn chorus in Littleton

May is here!

The Tipperary Branch of Birdwatch Ireland will celebrate this lovely month of growth, birdsong and flowers with a dawn chorus at Lough Derryvella, Littleton, on Sunday, May 5, at 5am.

This fine amenity provides a great biodiversity of birds, plants, insects and mammals. If the birds oblige us with their songs, we hope to hear the cuckoo, willow warbler, sedge warbler, white throat and linnet. When they are quiet, we’ll look at the variety of plants that grow on this bog verge. It’ll be a gentle amble along the loop path while breathing the fresh bog air.

Non-members are especially welcome. There is no charge. The leaders are Áine Lynch, Tom Gallagher and Kevin Collins. They will identify the birds, add in bits of folklore and point out other bits of natural heritage in the lovely setting.

Come along and find out why, how and when birds sing. Be awed by the nature on your doorstep.

Meet at the car park at Lough Derryvella at 5am. From Littleton, it’s signposted right after about 4km from the Protestant Church on the New Bermingham Road. If coming from New Bermingham, the signpost is on the left just less than 3km from the village.

Wear suitable weather gear and footwear. Binoculars would be a bonus.

Children with adults, please!