300 houses planned for Nenagh

Two new planning applications for a total of 165 houses on a Nenagh site have been submitted to Tipperary Co Council.

Dromin Nenagh Property Development Ltd is seeking planning permission for 98 residential units across a range of types at Dromin Road.

The company has submitted another application seeking 67 units in various types for the same location.

Permission is also sought for a new vehicular road and pedestrian access from the existing access on Dromin Road, as well as a range of associated site works. Among these are new vehicular roads and pedestrian accesses from the extended access road, new boundary treatments, landscaping, public lighting, car parking, together with all associated drainage connection works to include proposed surface water drainage to existing watercourse on the western boundary, proposed connection to existing foul sewer within the site.

The council received both applications at the end of last month and a decision on each of them is due by June 21.

Decisions are also due next month on two separate planning applications made by the same company seeking a combined total of 142 residential units and a creche at Dromin Road. A total of 307 units are now planned.