Nenagh Library

'More than just a library'

Nenagh Library is offering a huge range of new services, including the LOTE (Languages Other Than English) online service for children; C-Pens, which assist people with reading and learning, and the Acorn Tablet, Ireland's first age-friendly smart computer.

These and other new library services were outlined by County Librarian Damien Dullaghan at the February meeting of Nenagh Municipal District. Cllr Joe Hannigan spoke of Nenagh Library's use as a space for remote working and book launches. The facility is "more than just a library", he enthused. Cllr Séamie Morris asked if councillors could make a formal visit to the library to see how the library has changed over recent years.

Cllr Michael O'Meara pointed out that Borrisokane Library also has excellent facilities and inquired of plans to create a new public space outside it.

Mr Dullaghan said Borrisokane Library was recently painted and new carpets were put down. No progress has been made with the public space plan, which would require capital investment in a site that would "awkward" to develop. He also made the point that energy costs have "rocketed" for libraries in general.