75th anniversary celebrations at Rathcabbin school

As mentioned last year, Rathcabbin National School plans to mark its 75th year with a celebration.

We will celebrate on Sunday October 16, after Mass/1pm at the school. It will be exactly 75 years since the first classes were taught in the building in October 1947.

It was hoped for the school to be ready in 1946, but in autumn '47, after some delay in construction in a very different post-World War II Ireland, the school community began a new era. 

We invite all pupils, families, past pupils and their families, friends and everyone that knows the school to come and enjoy the day. There will be some guests, some entertainment and refreshments at the school, and a chance to meet old friends and neighbours. 

There will be more information, so keep an eye out for updates.

If you have any queries, information to contribute or connections to the school in the past, etc, feel free to text 0864140102 or email rathcabbinns75@gmail.com. In the meantime, please spread the word and keep the date in mind. Thank you.