Wreaths laid at the Martin O'Meara Memorial in Lorrha last month. His Victoria Cross is displayed in the cabinet on the right.

Lorrha featured on Australian TV

Lorrha featured on the 7 News in Perth recently when the TV station featured an exclusive piece on the visit of the Martin O’Meara VC to Lorrha on August 13 last.

The Australian Ambassador to Ireland, Gary Gray, was featured unveiling the Martin O’Meara plaque and holding the VC. The news story also covered the return of the VC to the Army Museum there.

Captain Stephen Muir, who accompanied the VC to Lorrha, was interviewed and spoke of the amendment that was made by the Government to allow the VC visit Ireland. Ian Loftus, who wrote a book about Martin, was also interviewed as was retired Major Henry Fijolek, who along with Neil Dailey brought Martin’s VC to Ireland back in July 2019. It was great to see Lorrha and Martin’s story feature on this news station.

It was sad to see the bunting come down last week, but all good things must come to an end. The Lorrha Martin O’Meara committee wish to offer thanks to all the volunteers who helped out once again on the evening.