A broken tree in the public car park in John’s Lane.

Trees damaged at car park

A number of young trees have been damaged at Nenagh's newly-improved John's Lane Car Park.

Tipperary Co Council carried out significant improvement works over the past year at the town centre Nenagh. This included drainage, re-surfacing, re-lining, new entrance feature, Age Friendly spaces and the installation of EV charging points. It also included landscaping work.

Unfortunately, it seem that a small number of people are causing major problems with the planting. The attached photos show the damage recently caused to one of the trees.

Rosemary Joyce, District Administrator of the council's Nenagh Municipal District, said this was the second time trees in the car park had been damaged. She said the council had put in fencing to prevent people walking on planted areas and causing damage to plants.

“We would like to call on the public to contact the gardaí if they witness any such behaviour. We are doing what we can to enhance the area and it is sad that a small minority are undoing this work.”

One woman who messaged this newspaper last week said the trees were not broken by vandals but by recent strong winds. She said she wouldn't have believed it only she witnessed it herself.