Origami exhibition at Nenagh Library

This month Nenagh Library welcomes Margaret Synott and her display of wonderfully detailed origami pieces. Falling into origami by happy accident in 2016 when a friend, doing a clear out, gifted her with a book on the subject, Margaret was quickly hooked on this age old craft and so began buying her own books to teach herself the art of Origami.

Her favourite origami artist is Hideo Komatsu, “because the process of folding his pieces is as beautiful as the final object”. Each piece on show is individual, from the relatively simple and delicate to the more intricate and detailed. Margaret, who now teaches origami, says: “I’m fascinated by the mix of maths and art in origami. You don’t need to understand the geometry to follow instructions and make beautiful objects, but it is part of the joy of the craft for me.”

Also part of the fun for her has been seeing the surprise and joy on children’s faces as she hands them the finished piece, be it a paper owl or dragon, or even a pretty box, and so we are especially delighted that Margaret has gifted her exhibition to the library and so we will be handing them out to the winners of our ‘Question of the Week’, throughout the summer as part of this year’s Summer Stars reading programme.

So, come and check out Margaret’s origami pieces while they’re still here.