Physical activity is key to maintaining health and well-being.

School wants you to ‘move in May’

Saint Mary's Junior Boys Nenagh have set themselves a challenge to “get moving” in May to promote the health and well-being of both students and teachers - and they want the community to join in.

As part of the initiative they aim to raise at least €1,500 to help fund their new Agility Trail in the school.

“Run, walk, jog, go on a bike, go for a hike - just ‘get moving in May’”. This is the advice of the school, which has set up a Gofundme page - - on which people can make donations.

May, the beginning of summer, provides an opportunity to celebrate and promote physical activity and the benefits of sports participation.

Physical activity is key to maintaining health and well-being. Getting active can improve fitness and reduce stress, reduce risk for many chronic diseases, and ease symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Get active and start feeling better today, and into the bargain you can help you local school secure the money it needs for its Agility Trail.

Being physically active is beneficial for both your physical and your mental health and well-being. It can help you deal with anxiety and stress and getting outdoors, if you can, is really important.

With many of us spending more than usual time indoors over recent months, getting back to an active routine can perhaps be challenging.

Find ways to fit activity into your day, or to encourage yourself to get moving, like walking the short journeys that you sometimes drive, an indoor stretch, or taking a quick walk on your lunch break from work, weather permitting.

Another idea to move in May is to partner up: Getting a friend or family member involved will keep you motivated.

Don’t overdo it – take it slowly, or you will get disheartened.

The important thing is that no matter what your age or circumstance, it’s important to keep moving - indoors or outdoors - to help you enjoy better health.

The National Physical Activity guidelines recommend 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity five days a week for adults, and 60 minutes for kids, but short bouts of physical activity (even 10 minutes at a time) can quickly add up.