The Commuity Council will have up to nine community councillors.

New Killaloe Community Council established - election planned

A new Community Council in Killaloe has now been incorporated and registered with the Companies Registration Office as a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) under the auspices of Muintir na Tíre, which supports the establishment and development of community councils throughout Ireland.

Mission Statement

Killaloe Community Council CLG promotes through collaborative and inclusive processes the education, cultural and economic welfare of the whole community of Killaloe. It represents the community as a whole in dealings with local government, statutory bodies and other agencies, in seeking, when considered necessary, technical, financial or other assistance in the promotion of the common good. It provides advice and assistance, where possible, to the local authority and other statutory bodies in the exercise of their functions in the locality including but not restricted to the representation of the range of views of the community in respect of strategies, policies, projects or other proposals of such bodies likely to impact on the community as a whole.

Election of community councillors

A Steering Group is now preparing for the initial election of up to nine community councillors, which will take place on June 24 to 27 with the results being announced on Sunday, July 10. Candidates for election are invited to contact the chairperson, Graham Lightfoot, at for nomination papers, which will have to be returned by June 17. The Steering Group will then hand over the governance of the Community Council to the elected community councillors.


Find out what’s happening at Killaloe Community Council by going to its website, and on its Facebook page,