The song of the beautiful chaffinch is especially loud and exuberant in May when the nesting season is at its height. It is a series of about a dozen notes speeding up and ending in a flourish. PHOTO: EAMON BRENNAN

Tipperary Dawn Chorus outing

It is said that hearing the Dawn Chorus is important for our own psyche.

This year the county Dawn Chorus event will be at Philip and Liz Quinn’s, Holycross, on Sunday, May 1, at 5.30am. This is hosted by the Tipperary Branch of Birdwatch Ireland and is open to everyone. Non-members are especially welcome. There is no charge.

The leaders are Áine Lynch and Tom Gallagher. They will identify the birds, add in bits of folklore and point out other bits of natural heritage in the lovely setting close to the village.

Each habitat within the walk has its own set of natural citizens. Come along and find out why, how and when birds sing. Be awed by the nature on your doorstep.

After the walk, tea and scones will be available thanks to the generosity of the Quinns. Meet at the Green, Holycross at 5.30am.