Pat Naughton delivering his talk at Silver Arch Family Resource Centre.

Positive Ageing Week in Nenagh

SILVER Arch Family Resource Centre was delighted to deliver a series of events for our older community members during Positive Ageing Week 2021 at the end of September.

The aim of the week was to celebrate and engage with the older people in our community, and offer ways to continue to age positively. Each event aimed to promote ways that can help improve people’s lives as they age, and maintain the health and wellbeing of our older people.

This resulted in a wonderful response from our community. The week began with the inspirational Pat Naughton, Nenagh’s octogenarian Master Athlete, who spoke about his journey through life, with exercise always to the fore, and how he maintained his activity during the Covid-19 lockdown.

Throughout the week the events were well attended - Gerardine Wisdom ran a successful workshop on rush work, which resulted in some fantastic end products, and Noelle Clancy, Health and Wellbeing worker with Silver Arch FRC, led people on a mindful walk through some beautiful parts of Nenagh, on what turned out to be a glorious autumnal morning.

Niamh Butler, who works with the local Mental Health Team, provided an insightful workshop on how to manage our mental health and wellbeing, and Gerry O’Brien provided a free hour-long music event in Nenagh Community Garden to end of the week on a truly enjoyable note.


Caroline Lydon, CEO of Silver Arch FRC, stated that she was delighted with the positive response to the range of events held and that, in collaboration with the HSE, they are planning a series of health and wellbeing programmes for people who are over 60 in the coming weeks.

Starting in early November, our older community members can join our free six-week Healthy Food Made Easy Programme aimed towards people who are living alone or in a reduced household. This programme has been developed by the HSE and is run nationwide.

Also starting in early November, Silver Arch FRC will facilitate a free six-week Health and Wellbeing Programme that looks at practical ways of incorporating good habits to help you age well through exercise, diet and social engagement. Theresa O’Connor will also be returning with her Chairobics exercise programme mid-November, and this programme will be subsidised by the centre. All these programmes will have limited numbers, so please book your place by ringing Silver Arch FRC reception at 067 31800.

Finally, Silver Arch FRC Positive Ageing Week 2021 wouldn’t have been the great success that it was without the help and support of the Silver Arch staff, the HSE and our wider community. A particular word of thanks to Pat Naughton, Gerardine Wisdom and Tipperary ETB, Niamh Butler, Gerry O’Brien, Maureen Maher, and Nenagh Tidy Towns Committee, and especially everyone that took part in the events during the week. We hope that we will continue to see our older population taking part in our upcoming events.