Unplanned visits will not be facilitated.

Level 3 restrictions for residential care facilities

The HSE have been communicating with families and relatives of those who use our residential long care facilities and communicating in particular around how Level 3 restrictions will impact seeing their loved ones, many of you will have and will receive queries and this may help guiding any questions from the public.
The Government has announced that the country will go to Level 3 of the National Framework for living with Covid-19 on Wednesday, October 7th.
The change to Level 3 imposes further restrictions on visitations to Residential Care Facilities.
We understand the importance of maintaining family connections with loved ones; however, the HSE along with the HPSC have implemented strict guidelines for visiting within our units. Restrictions to visiting are aimed at protecting residents, staff and visitors from exposure to Covid-19. 


These restrictions are as follows: 
 · Indoor visits are suspended apart from critical and compassionate circumstances 
·  Outdoor visiting (weather permitting) is allowed. This would allow a family to get together once they maintain very strict social distancing. Outside visits must also be pre-arranged with the unit 
·  Window visiting is allowed. If window visiting is carried out through an open window, social distance must be maintained and masks worn.
·  Unplanned visits will not be facilitated.
·  The residents right to decline a visitor shall be respected 
We appreciate your continued support during this very difficult time and we trust that you will adhere to the latest Government guidelines in ensuring the safety of your loved one. At anytime if you or any of your family members have a concern , please contact the relevant ward manager or the Nursing Office. You may still maintain contact via telephone, Facetime and What’s App.