The report calls for increased supports to farmers and the agriculture sector,

Lowry's Pre-Budget submission highlights support for rural Ireland

Deputy Michael Lowry, along with Dáil Éireann's Regional Group of independent TDs, have launched their Pre-Budget Submission 2021, at Leinster House
The ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has been severely felt across all sectors and it requires appropriate policy responses from the Government. These policy responses must comprehensively address the threat of a pandemic induced recession. Under- investment in infrastructure, particularly in digital, transport and water infrastructure and in the higher education sphere, will leave some regions of the country significantly challenged in their ability to fully recover. Regional areas are disproportionately impacted by this crisis and require targeted interventions for the potential opportunities that exist. 
The Regional (Independent) Group's Pre-Budget submission provides key recommendations to help protect, support and encourage people, businesses and communities in regional towns and villages, 
as they restart and recover in the post-Covid-19 environment.
The report is divided into 5 key areas identified as needing to be urgently addressed to support Regional Ireland, along with practical measures in support of each, to be implemented as part of Budget 2021.
Regenerate regional towns and villages – promote remote working and rural living
Rural business – financing and supporting investment in business start-ups to growth
Health - enhanced capacity and increased patient services
Education - additional resources to facilitate online learning
Agriculture - increased supports to farmers and the agriculture sector
"If implemented, these supports will encourage people to settle and live in regional areas, bringing life back into vacant homes and enhancing local communities. The pandemic crisis has given broadband and remote working a renewed impetus, which in turn has produced a significant and positive knock on effect, by taking pressure off the already overstretched housing, road and water infrastructure in our major cities.

"The implementation of the recommended 5 key regional supports will significantly enhance the overall national economic recovery effort, by improving industry and businesses, the work/life balance and taking pressure off our capital city Dublin and larger cities across the country," says Deputy Lowry.