20x20 launches Chapter 4 of award winning campaign

20x20 and Lidl have launched 'No Proving. Just Moving.', Chapter 4 of the multi-award-winning campaign.


Set within the backdrop of Covid-19, the ‘No Proving. Just Moving.’ video features a realistic insight into the lives of a host of Irish women who are showcasing their involvement with physical activity through the lens of their own mobile phones.


This unique campaign recognises the challenges that women of all ages and abilities can face in maintaining a strong relationship with physical activity and showcases the benefits of activity on physical and mental well-being. ‘No Proving. Just Moving.’ is targeted at all women who are involved in physical activity, including those who are new to sport and physical activity, and those who have been thinking about getting physically active over the past number of months, particularly given the current climate.


This chapter of the campaign aims to showcase the benefits of physical activity and highlights that being physically active is the biggest gift you can give yourself. It builds on all previous 20x20 chapters and is calling on all women - regardless of age, ability or sporting background - to create a new habit with physical activity.  


To make this journey easier, 20x20 partner, Lidl, has created a new dedicated online platform, which will launch on July 7th. The platform will help women across Ireland form this new habit in their lives by supporting users on their journey and inviting them to track their progress along the way.


‘No Proving. Just Moving.’ will be fronted by 20x20 and Lidl ambassador, Sarah Rowe, and will also see 20x20 telling the stories of women across Ireland who have begun to form a habit of physical activity in recent months, and how that new habit has impacted their lives and mental well-being. It will provide the support network needed to get that habit started for other women around Ireland, it will be the driving force to help them to change the internal dialogue of ‘I can’t do that’ to ‘I’m going to give it a go’ and through Lidl’s online platform, it will also be the best friend encouraging them to go on every step of the way. 


20x20 understands that this physical activity doesn’t necessarily always come in the form of traditional sports teams or clubs, but often in the simple enjoyment of getting out in the evening for a walk, going down to the sea for a swim, dancing in the kitchen with the kids, or perhaps dusting off the bicycle and heading out for a cycle.


They say that it takes 21 days to form a habit, and 20x20 and Lidl want to support women across Ireland to create those habits for a lifetime.  20x20 and Lidl will be with them every step of the way for the first 20 days, so that on the 21st day, they are ready to carry on that new habit for life.


You can view ‘No Proving. Just Moving.’ here:  https://youtu.be/27mvwtcBxJU