Healthcare facility planned for Roscrea

A planning application has been submitted for the development of a primary helathcare facility at the Maltings site in Roscrea.

Tullamore Medical Ltd is seeking permission for various demolition (834 square metres) of dilapidated 20th century sheds and storage facilities to the property. This will involve demolition of existing late 20th century one- and two-storey storage facilities and steel-framed buildings, the fourth storey mid-20th century grain store abutting south face of the existing building, the 19th century three-storey store to the west of the site abutting the existing building, and the demolition of part of the stone boundary walls to Gaol Road, Malt Vale and Ayr Hill.

The plan will involve refurbishment and change of use of the existing malt building from industrial/warehousing use to office and retail, and construction of a three-storey extension to the existing north and south elevations of the malt building to provide retail and office space with ancillary facilities.

Further aspects of the plan include construction of a split-level car park to the south of the site; construction of a new three-storey primary care centre (healthcare facilities) to the south of the site, situated above the split-level car park; alterations to the western and northern facades to provide for vehicular and pedestrian access to the facilities (vehicular access will be provided from Ayr Hill and pedestrian access will be provided from Malt Vale); connections to public foul and surface water sewers and public mains water; bin stores, temporary site signage, landscaping, parking and all necessary and ancillary site works to complete the development.

The proposed development involves works to a Protected Structure. Tipperary Co Council is to issue a decision on the application by November 6th.