Ifa voice concern over tb programme review

IFA Animal Health Chairman Bert Stewart has strongly criticised the Department of Agriculture for their handling of the TB eradication programme review and discussions on the TB SI.


Mr Stewart said the minister gave a commitment to IFA in March this year that the medication of animals aspect of the TB SI, which is completely unworkable and impractical for farmers, would not be enacted for a period of six months to facilitate discussions on the issue. Yet his officials have ignored this, imposed penalties and sanctions on farmers for non-compliance and have not held any meaningful discussion with IFA on the issue.


In relation to the compensation schemes, Bert Stewart said IFA agreed in good faith to enter into a comprehensive review with the Department of Agriculture.


However, since further detailed costings were provided by IFA in relation to the huge consequential loss experienced by farmers losing animals as TB reactors in early July, no further engagement has taken place. Meanwhile, the Department of Agriculture have updated the ‘Important Information for Herdowners booklet’ which deals with all aspects of the TB programme and distributed it amongst valuers which includes fundamental policy changes to the programme which have not been discussed with IFA.”