Ciara McCullough, Catherine McGill and Claire Tierney at the launch of the UV Run Killaloe to promote positivity around mental health. Photo: Sean Curtin

Colour killaloe fundraiser this saturday

Take part in the happiest run of your life this Saturday and in the process help fundraise for GROW Ireland.

Colour Killaloe is all about promoting Health, Happiness and Positivity, so take part in order to raise funds for GROW Ireland and you can hop, skip, walk, run , crawl, or anything yourself into colour.

Ciara McCullough, from Ballinahinch who has experienced depression and come out thie other side is organising the UV Colour Run. It has everything, wonderful surroundings as you run, upbeat music to keep your legs pumping and colour, enough colour to light up the night. The run is taking place at Clarisford Park, Killaloe this Saturday April 25th, registration from 7.30pm. This event is being organised to bring love and light into peoples lives and bring much needed positivity around mental health in Ireland.


GROW is a mental health organisation which helps people who have suffered, or are suffering from mental health problems. Members are helped to recover from all forms of mental breakdown or indeed to prevent such happening.

20 for each entry, includes free Colour Killaloe T-shirt. This is a family fun event – kids are free but if you want paint you must register.

More details at