Support daffodil day

Friday March 27th is the Irish Cancer Society 28th Daffodil Day, kindly supported by Dell. Over 3,000 volunteers will be all around Tipperary selling Daffodils and organising events like coffee mornings and cakes sales, here’s an overview of some of the more unusual things happening around the country.

Dublin: Dina Dina Dina Dina Daff Man: The original ‘Daff Man’ Irish Cancer Society volunteer James Gilleran will be spending the day in his suit of Daffodils using his powers of fundraising for good on O’Connell Street all day 

Limerick: 4 Story Abseil Extravaganza From 12:30pm Dell Ireland’s Limerick campus is organising a fundraising abseil at the City Centre Car Park, Thomas Street, Limerick. 100-150 people are set to scale the building for Daffodil Day.

Galway: Galway based business owner Pat Hegarty of Cosyhome Heating who is a cancer survivor is supporting Daffodil Day in a novel way this year. He is making a donation to the Irish Cancer Society for every order of home heating oil he receives, all this week. Pat is now thankfully fully recovered from cancer but appreciates the good work being done by the Irish Cancer Society for individuals and their families affected by the illness. 


How to support Daffodil Day: The Irish Cancer Society and Dell, lead partner for Daffodil Day, call on the public to help support the campaign on Friday, March 28th.

If you haven’t gotten to support yet – here’s how: